Pencil Jacket


Pencil Case in fine leather.

Includes 3 Vintage HB2 Pencils.

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Pencil Jacket

To play with concepts, with he image, with the function, simply to play, is part of the process to find new lives for the traditional materials that surround us.

The pencil, does not exist without a support, has to be transported, sharp, can be erased and always depends on the interaction and the human will to perform. As a pencil factory, Viarco thinks drawing, but it is in this larger universe that we now seek to include our vision, thinking of something new, distinctive and original to those who inhabit it.

From the partnership/friendship with Belcinto, a local company producing leather goods, the first fruits were born, designed exclusively for the transport and packaging of Viarco pencils. 

Several designs were tried out, ideas mixed, played with fashion and aesthetic sense, and so the Pencil Jacket was discovered, a leather case that turns into a holder to make it easier to pick up the pencil.

A curious object, that when closed, seems to have a more formal style, making an allusion a sui, and when opened, the case resembles to a jacket. It is this metamorphic side of the object that promotes manipulation and touch, a result of the process from which it appeared.  

In fine leather, includes 3 vintage pencils.

Several colors available.

Additional information


Brown, Blue, Red, Black